Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Welcome to Colorado, we have everything.

Ahhhh Colorado. I vaguely remember it being sunny last week. Do you remember that? I remember walking outside in jeans and a t-shirt. What happened?
Oh that's right. We're in Colorado. Where you can have every kind of weather within hours of each other. 
I also remember my backyard having 3 levels, and so far... I only see one level of snow. When I went out there this morning, I got stuck up to my thigh in snow. Thank you, mother nature.

My mood: Happy. Not necessarily an extreme mood. Just vaguely happy.
Where I am: The bed. Of course.

I'm watching a show called "Beyond Scared Straight".
( Watch the episode here. )

 It's show where they get teenagers who have issues with fighting, drug use... ect.
And they bring them to inmates who have done the same thing.
They take the handcuffs off murderers and let them get in these kids faces. Rapists. They take the handcuffs off prison inmates and let them scream, yell, and cuss at these kids. 

It's scary, I'm not going to lie. 
There's a part in the episode, where a woman officer comes up to 3 of the girls, and says; "You may want to pull up your shirts. These men here? The one's that are looking at you? They aren't looking at you because they like you. They're looking at you, because they haven't had sex in years".
The inmates were yelling from behind their' cell doors, and one of them began saying "I want the small one right there".
They let the inmates openly talk about raping, killing... hurting these kids. To their faces.
It's supposed to scare them.
And it does. 
As the officer just said, "Most kids leave with their tails between their' legs".
I could never be in jail/prison. I'd be so dead. 
I'm not saying I don't have an attitude.
God knows I do. 
But I also couldn't hurt someone unless I had a good reason. 
I couldn't handle the fighting every day.

Ahh... but besides me watching tv shows... (because I don't think anyone really wants to read that.)
I'm hoping to go out tonight. I probably will. I have SO many chores to do first though. And I'll actually do a rant blog tonight before I go to sleep. 
Because this is just a talking blog (:

So everyone... Have a good day! I'll see you tonight.

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