Saturday, December 24, 2011

You scream illiterate.

You know when you get into an argument with someone...
over a game,
or in person...
and you find yourself being more bothered with the fact that they don't even make sense, rather than the fact that they're arguing with you?
Is it just me?
I find myself more obsessed with the fact that I can't even understand their thought train, more than what they're trying to defend. 
Maybe that makes me an asshole? I don't know. 
What I do know, is that I extremely enjoy toying with them. It's so funny to see someone's "logic" shot down with your own. To listen to them studder, get so angry, and then try to turn it on you is amazing. 
I actually think that the best arguments, are with the people who are trying to seem deep.
You know exactly what I mean. 
I can tell by your face.
They're the same people who write those "criptic" facebook statuses, trying to sound like they've got some sort of life lesson for the world. 
When in all reality, their statements rarely actually make sense.
Usually when I come across someone like this, I try to keep the argument going as long as possible, just to see them contradict themselves. 


Them: Life is a certain mystery. No one should be judged... I believe all people are created equal. One life is all you have, and I'm going to make the most of my misery. I'm a poet inside, I need to escape. Which reminds me, I saw a weird gay kid at the mall today who was singing a song he wrote to me. Awkward. 

Me: I think it's funny how you preach about equality, and then label a homosexual man in the mall. Contradiction, much?

Them: I'm not labeling him, I'm just saying that he needs to stop being such a weirdo. Like, I don't want to be a part of his sinful nature. 

Me: Skipping across the fact that you are ridiculously homophobic, you also completely contradicted yourself in the same status. You say that everyone is created equal, which would mean that you're no better than he is. Whoever he was, props to him for being brave enough to sing in a mall. Takes guts. Get off your high horse.

Them: Quit it bitch. You dnt know me. 

Me: That was good. You're excellent at comebacks my dear. Also, I think you meant to say "don't". Am I right? Darn, I thought they taught spelling in school these days. 

Them: I don't have to use punctuayshun on facebook. It's the internet. You also don't know anything about me or where i come from. i will rip you apart, bitch.

Me: Punctuation*. (: It's obvious that you're a lost cause. Have a good day.

Them: Whatever ho I slept with your boyfriend last night ;) 

Me: I'm single, and lesbian. Good day, madam. 

I also love it when the person starts calling names and cussing. It's obvious that you're too illiterate to have a decent conversation... but please. Now show everyone that you're a fool as well. 
I run circles around people like this. 
(Like the meme... mind = BLOWN. )
What is it I said earlier to Nolan...
"I'm like a giraffe in a goat race". 
And I am. 
I feel like it's just common sense... but it seems to me, that a bunch of people turn to the "I slept with your boyfriend" claim. 
And I'm single. 
I'm only half lesbian. 

Besides.... that makes you sound like a ( what is it.... ) "ho". 
And in the spirit of christmas, I can honestly say, I welcome the Ho Ho Ho's. 
Because honey, if you come to me acting like this, you're giving me the best present of all. 

Pride in knowing I'm not an idiot. (:

Have a good night everyone. Happy Christmas Eve.  

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