Sunday, December 11, 2011

I hate weekends.

Mood: Apathetic/Hungry/Lazy
Where I am: Chillin' on my bed.

If I'm being honest, I just had to check what day it was on my phone. I'm usually on top of that, but it seems like time has been flying past me. 
But that's probably because I've been sucked into my online life recently. 
My mom said I spent 12 hours in my room yesterday. Only going out into the world to get necessities. It's sometimes just easier to be sucked into a life you create, instead of living with the one you've been given. Like yesterday. I had an absolute horrible morning, but the day ended with me crying tears of happiness. That's what technology does for me. I mean- I COULD go out and be with friends like I did on Friday. But really- what's the point? If I know that I can do everything I want on this laptop... Why  would I leave?
The world is soo dramatic. Even a few seconds ago, I checked facebook to see what notifications I had. And 6 of them were from a status that had been funny, until people took over and made it ridiculous.

I mean, come on. It was a funny status. But that ONE troll had to say something, and then everyone reacted. 
Don't get me wrong, I mean, I've trolled on some things before, but really- it was a status that was about 8th graders claiming to be getting "messed up" over facebook statuses. Was it really necessary to start something, and have such a funny status turn into battle of the gay vs. straight people?
And the comments go on and on, but that's all that my computer would let me screen shot.
I was creeping through memebase pictures yesterday, and I found some hilarious ones...

Which I thought I should share with you all (:
Have a great day, See you all tonight.

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