Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Mood: Nervous
Where am I: Aren't I always on my bed??
Song of the day: "On the Bright Side" - Nevershoutnever

So I can honestly say that today's been better than every day I've had for the past few months combined. I've finally got some clarity... and I'm not really sure what to do with it. I wont really go into details about the whole situation. Just let me say that I'm finally understanding what I've learned about myself, and that I'm ready for something new. 
No more sulk on the bed, eating humus and tortillas Lizzi.
She's gone. 
The new me has understanding. Hope. 
And a new feeling of self-worth.
I know what I want. I know how to get it. 
I know where I want to be in life, and I'm not afraid to get started with it. 
I'm not afraid of the unknown, because I know that I control it. 
I've had people in and out of my life. I've had horrible experiences, and I've had beautiful ones. And they impacted who I am today. 
I will not sit and mope.
I'm beautiful.

I'm amazing.
And if someone doesn't fully grasp that concept, 
then they don't have to stay around me. I know who I am.
Who I am is brave. Strong. Different.
I can stand on my own two feet, just as well as I can dance on them.

Last night was extremely rough. I would be lying if I said I wasn't having a hard time coping with the situations I've been given. 
But after this morning, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

And the day's not even over yet. I'm going out with friends (after a shower).

I wont deal with drama. That's not who I am.
I wont deal with being hurt. Because that's not what I deserve.
Tonight will be fun, and I will go to sleep with a smile on my face, for the first time in months. 

So I put the Christmas decorations up today. ( I know... procrastination.)
I really haven't been texting much, because I don't feel like I can keep up on the multiple conversations I'm having on 2 devices. (Thank you technology.)

So here's my blog for tonight. I don't think I'll get to write one after I go out, because it might be fairly late. So to everyone here: 

Goodnight (: 

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