Monday, December 12, 2011

I can honestly say...

You know... I'm tired of you men. To get ready, you: take a shower, brush your teeth, simply "get dressed", throw some shoes on, maybe some fragrance,  get breakfast, grab the wallet, and go.


Even the simplest place in the world, like going to school or work, sends a woman spiraling into a morning frenzy. You know what we have to do?
In the morning, we have to:
-Take a shower,

-dry our hair,

-style our hair,

-put makeup on,

-match the makeup with the hair,

-find clothes (and they WONT match the makeup and hair the first 4 times we try on an outfit )

-Match shoes that match the outfit, that matches the makeup, that matches the hair...

-Jewelry, to match the shoes, that match the clothes, that match the makeup, that match the hair...

-Brush our teeth,


-Find our purse, and proceed to stuff crap in it,
(we keep the world in our purses.)

-Find our phones,

-Run through the kitchen finding breakfast (because now we're getting close to being late, even though we woke up at the crack of dawn.)

-And run out the door.

What men also don't realize, is that 
even after we get out the door, 
the possibility that we could encounter NUMEROUS problems,
like a makeup disaster later on,
hair disaster,
bad mood,
bad day in general, 
uncomfortable shoes,
didn't bring something in our purses........ the list goes on. 

Some of you may say... 

"You don't need to wear makeup, or do you hair. That'll take time off".

Well guys, 
women ( for the most part)
Don't do ANY of this preparation for your gender.
We do it for our own.
Women constantly criticize each other, whether or not we personally know the other female or not.
But if we ARE dressing up to impress men,

There are a few studies that PROVE that men like women with makeup at first glance better than those without. 

"Now some answers come in a new study by social psychologist Nicolas Geugen (Geugen, 2008). In his experiment, reported in the North American Journal of Psychology, Geugen had two young women sit in a bar in France, in the first condition with makeup on, and in the second condition with their faces simply cleaned and moisturised. Then they waited for men to chat them up.
When a man tried to start a conversation (nonverbal behaviours didn't count) one of the women signalled to experimental confederates that contact had been made by crossing her arms. Then she politely turned the man down, saying they were waiting for friends to arrive.
This procedure was repeated over 60 observational periods of one hour in two different bars. Here's what happened:
  • No makeup condition: The first man 'made contact' with the two women after an average of 23 minutes, and thereafter they were hit on 1.5 times per hour.
  • With makeup condition: The first man tried it on after only 17 minutes and the average number of chancers per hour was 2. "

Women who wear makeup are also shown to bring in 33% more men than those who go natural.

Besides the makeup though, doing all of these morning rituals makes a woman feel good about herself. 

You'd be surprised what even a pair of matching bra's and panties can do for a woman.

Have a good day everyone (: Sorry for the rant. See you tonight.

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