Friday, December 16, 2011

I shouldn't have to wake up.

I went to bed around 4am this morning... I really feel like I should have been able to sleep longer than 7am.
But I guess my body's going into this "function under any condition" mode, like an all-terrain vehicle. Thank god for the separation of body and mind.  At least my body's still running like a diesel... my brain feels like a train crash.
Speaking of... did anyone else see that super 8 movie that came out a while ago? About the kids who film short films, and they see a train crash and monster?
You don't know what I'm talking about, hmm?

So anyway... 
as a general rule, When a woman wakes up from a long night, you'd expect her to have some mascara running down her face or something.
Not with me though.
I have mascara on my face, 
on my wrists,
Like, I am praying I don't get any on my laptop.

Last night ( as I'm sure you can read by the blog post ) was pretty hard... and the fact that someone kept calling me and asking me what was wrong didn't help. I actually answered the first time, and then as soon as I realized where the conversation was going, I hung up.
And then of course I was bombarded with endless calls, some apologizing,  some yelling at me for hanging up on them.
I let them go to voicemail. 

Oh my god, I've never had a hangover, but I'd imagine that this is what it would feel like.
My eyes can barely stay open.

At least I know I don't have a busy day. 
I don't even have to put makeup on, I think. I believe I'm not even going anywhere.
( Let's hope. )

I forgot to mention something about last night that's interesting.
Will and I had to help someone get rid of their rat. So we all took it out to a field, and let it loose. 
Which was sad... I mean... I know the rat's probably dead now. It's freezing at night here in the winter, and it was a pet. I'm almost hoping that the rat will be like a super little strong man, and defy the odds. Maybe he'll live a long life. Happy in a large field to play in. Maybe he'll just pop up one day, right back with his owner, and be like; "Oh hi, I'm back! I missed you". Maybe he'll survive.
Ahh who am I kidding, I know the rat's already dead.

Well.... here's my blog this morning. Nothing's going on today, so I'm more than positive I'll be back later on, blogging some more. 
Good morning everyone. Hope you woke up mascara free (:

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