Monday, February 20, 2012

Yeah, no.

Amazingly frustrated right now. 
I was having a pretty good night. I was texting funny people, I was watching Family Guy, and I was playing on omegle. Totally fine night.
Sean went to bed after working so hard on something for school. I was really proud of him. It takes drive to stay up until 12am working on an assignment. I would have just gone to sleep. 
I had just been sitting here, and then it started.
I got a flood of unpleasant texts from someone I usually enjoy texting. 

Now, I can usually deal with drama very easily....
I ignore it. 
But tonight's drama began with a topic that questioned my honor, and my reputation. 
It infuriated me.
Not only did these texts say that I was untruthful, but said that I am making bad decisions and hurting people.

Now I can handle being yelled at. But texting me out of nowhere with twisted facts, and false accusations? No.
It's complete bullshit that I would be getting ridiculous texts like this at 1am. When I'm just hanging out. It pisses me off.

So you know what? I dealt with the problem. I called the person that was twisting the facts to begin with, and called them out. I told them that I was done with the drama, because my name shouldn't be vile gossip on someone's tongue. I told them not to talk to me. I then blocked and deleted them on Facebook, Skype, and deleted their' number. 

I'm done with the bullshit. Maturity obviously doesn't come with age, and I don't have time to babysit. 

I'm actually quite happy with my choices and life. I'll be even happier AFTER April 25th. My life is my own, and I don't need anyone telling me what I could have/should have done to "improve" it. 


What I don't understand about the world now-a-days, is everyone's concern for other people's lives. Everyone seems so focused on "setting others straight". It's upsetting. If you're so worried about my life, you wont have time for yours.

Please everyone. If you're involved in something that drives you crazy, or if you're involved in "drama", just let it go. Is it really worth arguing about? Just ignore it. 
If it's on Facebook, block them.
If it's over text, tell them to shoo- and delete the number.
If it's in person, tell them to leave you alone, and stay away from them.

What it comes down to,
is that it's really easy to remove drama from your life. 
Stopping the drama starts with you.

"Drama just comes to me"...
Oh no no no no no no you just stop right there. 
Drama doesn't "come to you".
You accept it.

If you think about it, it's so easy to just ignore it. 
Unless this person is COMING TO YOUR HOUSE, 
You don't have to deal with it. 
Even then, call the police. That's when it gets to be creepy.

You have one life to live,
and you will never get a chance to change the past. Why would you waste your valuable life time fighting with someone? 
Unless you really want them in your life, (And you have to be dead set on that. ) it's usually not worth it. 

Guys, just try to make yourself happy. You can do more than you think. Don't wait for happiness to find you. Don't wait for that one person to text you. Don't sit there arguing with the person who wont leave you alone. 
Be proactive, and DO SOMETHING.
You're more powerful than you give yourself credit for. 


Have a good day everyone (: Good morning. 

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