Thursday, February 9, 2012

Android... why don't you want to screenshot?

I'm the proud owner of a Huaweii Ascend 2. If you're not familiar with what that it, I put a picture here, just for you.

Yeah... that's my phone. Cute, huh?
Well it's a pain in my ass. 
Like any android, it doesn't have a screenshot feature yet. With most phones, you're able to take a screenshot just by pressing the power button and the home button together. But no... not androids. 
If you own an android, you've probably come across this problem as well. And when you try to download an app, it says you have to have a "rooted" phone to be able to take screenshots. 
I'm going to go out on a whim here, and assume that most of you have no idea what I'm talking about. Alright... I'll break this down.
A rooted phone is a phone that has access to files that you normally wouldn't be able to see. If you made your phone a rooted phone, and no idea what you were doing, you'd mess your phone up quite a bit. 
So not only is the first step sticky... the rest of the process of downloading the app, and setting a screenshot is ridiculously hard if you have no idea how to work it. 
I'm sure I could... but for the sake of me not having enough money to buy a new phone, I'm not going to even chance it. 
So no rooting for me. 
I started googling around... trying to find out how I could take a screenshot of my phone through my computer. 
I found a way...
but I have to download 3 things before I can even consider it.
In the process of downloading the last thing I need to be able to take screenshots.
I've always been skeptical about downloading things. I waited so long to get this computer, that doing anything to possibly harm it scares the life out of me. (Yeah... I don't have much of a life outside of the screen.)

So here I sit... blogging. My screen full of junk.

Speaking of... how do you guys like the new layout of my blog? I changed everything around. I got tired of the fonts and colors... so I thought I'd try something new. It's even got a nifty little "Twitter" feed on the top right corner. 
Go look at that.

Awwwwh isn't it cute?

I'm actually pretty proud of my twitter. I understand that it's mostly just for celebrities, and people who like to talk about themselves, really. I do. 
But I like talking. 
I don't even have to be talking to anyone specifically to enjoy myself, which is probably why I like my twitter. I'll just talk and talk, and if anyone cares to comment, they can. It's also a good way of updating the world on what I'm doing, and where I am. ( Since everyone cares. )
It's easier than trying to explain to people my day. I'm just like; "Check my Twitter".

There's more to this story though. It's not just like I wanted to spout random information at you. ( Even though I like to talk... it's usually relevant to something. )
I've started a "collection" as you could call it on Twitter.
It's of all of the NY Ink cast on television. And I know it sounds weird, but hear me out. 


It didn't start as a compulsion to get tweets from them. I just happened to get a Tweet from Megan massacre one day.

( Megan Massacre )

And then I got a tweet from Jessica.


And then the flamboyant Robear favorited my tweet.

It was at this point, that I decided I was going to get a tweet from everyone on the cast. I already had 3, so I might as well, right?

I got 2 more today. One from Chris Torres,

 (Chris Torres)

And much to my suprise, Billy DeCola FOLLOWED me on twitter. 

And that just sent me over the edge. Favorited, tweeted, retweeted... I'm on a roll. I only have 3 left to go, and then I'll have all of them.

(Chris quit mid-season. Don't care. Still got him. )


Okay. I started this blog maybe 3 hours ago. I haven't finished it yet, because I've been procrastinating, and wrestling with this stupid ScreenShot idea. 
The only information I could find on it was outdated, so I'm winging it. 
I've got 99 problems, but a blog ain't one. 

I have a lot of pictures in this blog, huh. Maybe time to add a video. Keep things spicy. 
What's that line in the last American Dad? Things are getting too spicy for the pepper. 

I do have something that's been on my mind recently, that I feel like I should talk about. I thought it was something I'd get over fast... but I guess that girls hold on to grudges until the day they die. 

There's this girl on my facebook, right? Hopefully she's not reading my blog...
I realized that I absolutely DESPISE this girl. Like, it's beyond a little dislike. 
Every time I see her name pop up, I'm filled with uncontrollable hate. It takes everything in me not to just write something on her wall, or comment something like "You're a fake bitch, I really hope you drop dead". And that's the nicest thing I could think of saying. 
I've had fantasies of curb stomping this female. 
And the worst part is... she's never done anything to personally hurt me. She doesn't even know me outside of facebook, and I don't think we've ever directly said a word to each other. 

I know you're probably thinking, "Why would you hate her then"?
Honestly- it's because I know her history... and she's tried to nuzzle her way into my group of friends for a long time.
Girls, you'll understand this:
She's the kind of girl who'd sleep with your boyfriend just to say she did it. 
But besides the fact that she's amazingly 2-faced, and has a cookie cutter "personality" that almost resembles a 14 year old I know...
I hate her because she probably actually WANTS to sleep with my boyfriend. I know she does. 
The fact that my relationship is long distance right now is hard enough. Knowing that she lives close to him, and can't keep her legs shut bothers me.

Alright... there's more to that story. But nothing that I could spill on my blog without leaking too much information and letting everyone know who she is. 

I guess I'm just sick of hoes. 
That's what it really comes down to. 
I'm tired of girls that try to get with your man. 

Let me break it down. 

I'm sick of hoes, thinking that they have the god-given right to pop pussy to anyone they see. I'm tired of the girls who walk out the door in the morning, knowing that they look like a blow up sex dolls, and keep walking. 
I'm tired of girls thinking that they're so hot when their' skirts show some ass. 
I'm tired of girls thinking that it's okay to be the tool a guy uses to cheat with. 
In the end, it makes that girl gross.

I'm sick of fakes. 
I'm sick of hair extensions and colored hair. 
I'm sick of fake personalities. 
I'm sick of fake relationships.
I'm sick of everything that messes up something good. 

Even hoes talk to down to other hoes. 

No one wants to be the girl that everyone looks at and goes "What a slut". No one. 
So why do they go off having sex like it's as easy as eating a meal? You know- in the bible times- if someone had sex before they were married, or if they cheated, they could be stoned.

That's where people take ROCKS, and throw them at someone, until they die
Why is it so common now-a-days to cheat? It's wrong. Morally- for everyone. If you know that someone has someone special in their' life, why would you go out of your way to ruin that relationship?

The girl on my facebook is just really a face I can put with the feeling. I know she cheats on people. I know she's been the girl someone's cheated with. She's got the extensions, the dyed hair, the hot topic clothes, and the fake personality. It's not so much that I even hate her specifically. I hate everything she stands for. 
But what I think is the worst part... is that most people don't see through it. 
It's not hard for me to see into someone. 

Ever since I was a kid, I've been able to look at someone and immediately pick up what they're like. Once I hear them talk... I see them interact... I know almost everything about them, front and back. 
I've tested this with a few people... to see if I was dead on. I've got everything down, almost to a T.
If I'm unbiased, and focused, I can know someone inside and out. 

With this girl, I don't even need to second glance her. I know she's cookie cutter. 
I'm curious as to why no one else seems to notice. 
Of course- the people she's fucked over know and understand what she's like. They probably wouldn't hesitate to go off on her. But the people she puts on a show for have no idea.

She's one of those "Pretty on the Screen" people. Where she takes great Facebook pictures... but she's not even that pretty in real life- and her insides are even worse. 
She's fucking Cruella Deville. 

I'm just tired of the bullshit... 
In all honesty, I just wish some of the people on this planet would play the "make like a tree and leaf" game.


Oh. My. Goodness.

Do you see how long this post is getting? You've been reading for FOREVER. 
I commend you. You were doing so well until I pointed it out. 
Tell me... are you enjoying yourself?

Speaking of.... You guys need to tell me if there's something you'd like me to cover in my blogs. I've got a lot to say on almost any subject. So don't be shy.
What is it the hipsters say.....

"Hit me up".


Well thank you guys for reading today's blog. I know it was long... and I'm sorry. But I had a bit to say on these subjects. 
(And since we're talking about it, I never did figure out how to work the screenshot thing. Ugh. )

I hope that all of you have a nice night, and get some sleep. I'll be up early in the morning... so if you need me, I'll be here. 


  1. It doesn't really matter how long blog posts are, I like reading random rants cuz I like doing them as well XD. And yes I do like the blue better than the pink ;P
