Friday, February 17, 2012

Quit the duck face.

As I was about to write my blog, a post went up on facebook that was too good not to share.

 My comment keeps getting likes. What can I say? I tell it like it is. The thing looked like a fluffy penis. 


Do I have your attention now?

Welcome back. I was beginning to miss you.
Where have you been?

It's actually 1:37am right now. I'm waiting to feel tired.
It's not going that great.

Like I said in one of my previous blogs, it's easier to fall asleep when you're happy. Insomnia gets the best of you when you're not.

I suppose I should explain why I'm upset. Wouldn't want you left in the dark. 

I'm sick of feeling powerless in situations. Sick of feeling like I don't have any sway in anyone's opinions or emotions. I just want to feel like I'm helping.
Earlier on, I received a text that nearly broke my heart. I felt like I should have been there, physically, to help them. It pisses me off to the extreme that I'm just not helpful. 
Especially for the people who I should be helping the most. 

People message me on Facebook asking for help all the time. I'm able to give them advice that actually means something to them.
But when it comes to the people's emotions that I value most... I feel powerless to help.

I don't know. I guess what's bothering me the most, is that I can't help one specific person right now. Someone who I care about so deeply, that I'd do anything to make them feel better. 
But I feel like I nothing I do even brings a smile to their face. And out of everyone I know, they deserve a smile most right now. I just don't know how to help. Or if I even could.


I'm also having a hard time making a blog. I have so much bottled up inside, but I can't even focus.
There's also not enough words in the English language to describe how I'm feeling.

Lost. Unhelpful. Sick.

Something along those lines. 

I just want to be in Loveland right now. I just want to move already. I hate this.


So enough of my bitching. No one wants to read bitching.

I'm going to be going to my Uncle's house tomorrow for a week. I think I'm leaving later on in the afternoon, so I'll be sitting down just in time to blog. 
I hate the thought of sleeping in that house.

The house is fine. Don't get me wrong. Nice house.
Just... it's not where I belong. 
THIS house is not where I belong. But at least it's mine. I have free reign to walk around in my underwear.

I also wont be able to smoke. So you're going to get some angry blogs this week. 
Angry. Blogs.


So this is where I get sappy and give you a link to something. 
It will be okay. I promise. Just relax,
take a deep breath. Sometimes you need a little cheesy.

I also want you to check out my friend Ashley's blog. She's amazing, and she's an amazing writer. She was writing about Valentine's day the other day, and my mouth was literally hanging open. 
She's also been blogging about healthy exercise recently, and God knows I need to pay more attention to that. 


I'm sorry that this wasn't an amazing blog tonight, guys. I'm just not in an "amazing" mood. Tomorrow will be better. 

I hope you all have an amazing day. 
You deserve the best. 


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