Thursday, February 16, 2012

OH LOOK! That blog thing!

I adore the movie "The Babysitter".
I freaking LOVE the movie The Babysitter. 
It's my all time favorite thug movie.

Since no one actually PAYS for things on the internet anymore, I'm watching a movie online, called "The Babysitter". It's so damn funny. It's like... if Snoop dog and Eminem were both sperm donors for Jess from "New Girl", that would be the main character. 

(Jess from New Girl, if you don't watch it. ^ )

Yes, I know it's almost 1am.
I know I'm drinking lime soda and watching pirated movies.

I know.
Lizzi, you should go to sleep, you spend too much time on the internet, blah blah...
No really. I know.
You're starting to sound like my mom. Jeez. 

No... my mom doesn't care.

For those of you who also spend "too much" time online, I've decided to come up with a list of nifty little sites to waste your time on.
So here goes, in no particular order.

1.) Facebook (This goes without saying... )
2.) Twitter
3.) Memebase
4.) Omegle
5.) Top 50 Time Wasters
6.) Cleverbot
7.) Youtube
8.) zMovie (Free [Not necessary legal] Full length NEW movies. )
9.) Hulu
10.) Blogger

Oh Lizzi, you're so funny. You blog about wasting time on Blogger. 
Really, I do. 
If you guys don't have a blog yet, maybe you should get one. It's actually really fun, and it's an easy way to vent if you're just fed up. I spend a lot of time on here writing the blogs that you read. I've probably spent 30 minutes just on this part of the blog alone. 
I spend so much time on these sites. 
I almost wish I had more to add to that list. Maybe a "Top 20 time waster" list. 
But then again, I put a site that has 50 time wasters on it. So what now. 
Facebook and youtube are just sites that are hardwired into our brains as mega sites. 

When something funny happens, you take pictures of it for Facebook.
When someone says something funny, you quote it on facebook. 
Don't you lie to me, I know you do it. 

Speaking of facebook... All of today's posts were really sad. 
Or about a significant other. 

Just saw a status that someone's friend just got in a car accident, and they're in coma. And that person wants everyone to text them.
That's really unfortunate and all... but your friend just went into a coma... and you're facebooking? I'm not sure I grasp that. 

I think 2 of the funniest statuses I've ever seen on my facebook were:

( Click on the photos to make them bigger. )


"I'm being pulled over, and probably getting arrested".

It was so funny to open up my facebook and see that someone cared enough about Facebook to update their status as they were going to be put in jail. Nice. 
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

And Twitter...
Don't even get me started. 
Unlike Facebook, there's no social boundaries on how much you can tweet.
At least on Facebook, it's considered rude to flood someone's news feed with your thought and be invasive. On Twitter, it's encouraged. 
You could update your Twitter 500+ times a day, and no one would think you're weird. 

Case and point:

He's funny and all... but this was just right up there. He floods my twitter DAILY with random things I couldn't care less about. Most of them stolen quotes from other people.

I actually got a really weird tweet from someone not too long ago. They tweeted me a picture of my house, and my location in it. 
I guess that the Twitter location services were keeping track a little TOO well. 
I turned that shit off.

I think the weirdest part was that he only had one tweet, and it was to me. And who's standing near me? It says that someone was standing close to where I was. 
He's blocked. 

The Internet used to be a great thing. People used it to communicate and find people like them/ ideas for the future.
And now people use it to stalk everyone online. 

You can't say you haven't done it either. 

We've all gotten on Facebook, and ended up going through the albums of people on there. 
We've looked at their information, and looked at someone's statuses and updates from months back. 
We're all creepy on the Internet. 
But the best part is, we all complain about creeps. And trolls. 

This video perfectly explains my point. 

She is absolutely hilarious. 
She makes me feel better, knowing that someone's out there spitting out the truth. More power to her. 


The point of this blog isn't to make you feel bad for spending all of your time online. It's to celebrate it.
Look at you.
Our future is technology. 
You're just getting an extreme jump start on the future. 
You think ahead.
Clever you.

It's also to give you some ideas of other sites to help you "plan for the future".


I also recommend google chrome, if you don't have it. (GOD forbid that you still use Explorer. )
It's got a nice app store that's completely free as well. It's got a mountain of things that are free to add on your computer, without a download. 
(Angry birds, Instagram, Art programs, Music... etc. )


So feel better about spending all of your time online. 
Because sun? Who needs sun. 
We just need our computer glow. 
It's too bright out there anyway. 


I hope you guys enjoyed my blog today. I got a bit sarcastic in there. But don't take me seriously all the time. I'm a computer nerd too. 
Have a good day everyone. Or if you haven't slept yet, go to bed. I'll still be here when you wake up.

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