And then I remembered the blog.
I remembered my obligation to the blog...
so I hauled my butt over here and started writing.
Hello, you. We meet again to discuss my life.
You could say that I had something like an "eventful" day today. As eventful as I imagine it could get on a Saturday with pouring snow and no local friends.
It started out boring... my mom told me that she wanted me to go to an auction with her to find a vehicle. So I trudged over to the dryer to put on my warm and cozy clothes.
I can't say I looked super great today... I don't feel like any of my clothes are that great. Just threw on some jeans, a black shirt, and my leather jacket.
Oh, and a pink scarf. You know... color.
So lame.
I always thought it sounded fancy to write "colour" instead of "color". Seems so... french. Why do people do that anyway? My computer keeps auto correcting me.
I actually decided not to go to the auction in the end though. I know... I got my makeup done and everything. But I guess I just wanted to stay home more than going to stand in a cold warehouse with old men. (Cheers.)
So I smoked a cigarette in my meantime. Almost lost my fingers in the process from frostbite, but you know... whatever gets my nicotine fix.
Then I went back to my computer. Bored as hell, and sitting on Facebook. You know... my Facebook is actually really busy. I realized that if I didn't touch it for a day or two, I'd have over a hundred notifications. I already wake up with about 20 every morning. And then throughout the day I get constant notifications. I think it's just because I spend a lot of time playing online. I always have Facebook up in a tab.
Oh look... there goes another notification. Crazy.
I have no life.
I then went out to smoke AGAIN, but only smoked half a cigarette. Again, if you read last night's post, you'll know I'm running out and conserving. But speaking of smoking, my mom has been complaining constantly about my new neighbors. I guess they smoke, or something. She hates it. Except... she used to smoke? So... hmm.
My mom came home with McDonald's food. After munching that and watching a episode of Grimm on Hulu, I went back to my facebooking ways.
(Why did my day seem so busy? The more I write it out, the more I get bored with myself... )
I decided to post something on a forum too, about a game. By the time the sun set, I had a response and a Facebook friend request from a boy in the UK offering to help me with what I needed. (Yu-Gi-Oh skills... )
I spent hours with this kid, listening to everything he had to tell me. And it was nice of him to help me out... I enjoyed it. I learn something every day.
I really just spent my night online and texting Sean. Planning another trip down there for the 27th. (One year... sigh... )
Honestly, having a bit of difficulty with my mom with that plan. Not a lot of understanding and love going around at my house right now. (Or ever. ) But life goes on. Shit happens.
I'm also not looking forward to Valentine's day.
I've always been alone on Valentine's day. Always single. And I guess this year, in a way, I'll be alone again. Physically, anyway.
(Pity me, like you pity the people who write about being alone on Facebook. )
I also cleaned out most of the files on my computer today. Too much junk. A messy computer is like a messy room to me.
Can't have a cluttered living space.
So that's my day. Not much to report... nothing to really to give you to make you smile and such... except for
Goodnight, everyone. Or... Good morning. Whichever you prefer to get technical with.
Thank you guys so much for reading. Even on the off days. It means so much to me.
Talk to you later.
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