Monday, February 20, 2012

I'm so tired.
Physically and emotionally, I'm just beat.
I've gotten a maximum of 2 hours of sleep, and that wasn't until early this morning. 

I just can't catch a break. As soon as I think I'm doing something right... everything turns around and bites me. 

I just wish that someone would think I'm irraplacable for once. I always seem to be disposable.
I feel like a scratching post.
I just want one person to text me. Just one. 
I could care less about anyone else.
Just one..

I don't know how much I can do, guys.

Yeah, no.

Amazingly frustrated right now. 
I was having a pretty good night. I was texting funny people, I was watching Family Guy, and I was playing on omegle. Totally fine night.
Sean went to bed after working so hard on something for school. I was really proud of him. It takes drive to stay up until 12am working on an assignment. I would have just gone to sleep. 
I had just been sitting here, and then it started.
I got a flood of unpleasant texts from someone I usually enjoy texting. 

Now, I can usually deal with drama very easily....
I ignore it. 
But tonight's drama began with a topic that questioned my honor, and my reputation. 
It infuriated me.
Not only did these texts say that I was untruthful, but said that I am making bad decisions and hurting people.

Now I can handle being yelled at. But texting me out of nowhere with twisted facts, and false accusations? No.
It's complete bullshit that I would be getting ridiculous texts like this at 1am. When I'm just hanging out. It pisses me off.

So you know what? I dealt with the problem. I called the person that was twisting the facts to begin with, and called them out. I told them that I was done with the drama, because my name shouldn't be vile gossip on someone's tongue. I told them not to talk to me. I then blocked and deleted them on Facebook, Skype, and deleted their' number. 

I'm done with the bullshit. Maturity obviously doesn't come with age, and I don't have time to babysit. 

I'm actually quite happy with my choices and life. I'll be even happier AFTER April 25th. My life is my own, and I don't need anyone telling me what I could have/should have done to "improve" it. 


What I don't understand about the world now-a-days, is everyone's concern for other people's lives. Everyone seems so focused on "setting others straight". It's upsetting. If you're so worried about my life, you wont have time for yours.

Please everyone. If you're involved in something that drives you crazy, or if you're involved in "drama", just let it go. Is it really worth arguing about? Just ignore it. 
If it's on Facebook, block them.
If it's over text, tell them to shoo- and delete the number.
If it's in person, tell them to leave you alone, and stay away from them.

What it comes down to,
is that it's really easy to remove drama from your life. 
Stopping the drama starts with you.

"Drama just comes to me"...
Oh no no no no no no you just stop right there. 
Drama doesn't "come to you".
You accept it.

If you think about it, it's so easy to just ignore it. 
Unless this person is COMING TO YOUR HOUSE, 
You don't have to deal with it. 
Even then, call the police. That's when it gets to be creepy.

You have one life to live,
and you will never get a chance to change the past. Why would you waste your valuable life time fighting with someone? 
Unless you really want them in your life, (And you have to be dead set on that. ) it's usually not worth it. 

Guys, just try to make yourself happy. You can do more than you think. Don't wait for happiness to find you. Don't wait for that one person to text you. Don't sit there arguing with the person who wont leave you alone. 
Be proactive, and DO SOMETHING.
You're more powerful than you give yourself credit for. 


Have a good day everyone (: Good morning. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Quit the duck face.

As I was about to write my blog, a post went up on facebook that was too good not to share.

 My comment keeps getting likes. What can I say? I tell it like it is. The thing looked like a fluffy penis. 


Do I have your attention now?

Welcome back. I was beginning to miss you.
Where have you been?

It's actually 1:37am right now. I'm waiting to feel tired.
It's not going that great.

Like I said in one of my previous blogs, it's easier to fall asleep when you're happy. Insomnia gets the best of you when you're not.

I suppose I should explain why I'm upset. Wouldn't want you left in the dark. 

I'm sick of feeling powerless in situations. Sick of feeling like I don't have any sway in anyone's opinions or emotions. I just want to feel like I'm helping.
Earlier on, I received a text that nearly broke my heart. I felt like I should have been there, physically, to help them. It pisses me off to the extreme that I'm just not helpful. 
Especially for the people who I should be helping the most. 

People message me on Facebook asking for help all the time. I'm able to give them advice that actually means something to them.
But when it comes to the people's emotions that I value most... I feel powerless to help.

I don't know. I guess what's bothering me the most, is that I can't help one specific person right now. Someone who I care about so deeply, that I'd do anything to make them feel better. 
But I feel like I nothing I do even brings a smile to their face. And out of everyone I know, they deserve a smile most right now. I just don't know how to help. Or if I even could.


I'm also having a hard time making a blog. I have so much bottled up inside, but I can't even focus.
There's also not enough words in the English language to describe how I'm feeling.

Lost. Unhelpful. Sick.

Something along those lines. 

I just want to be in Loveland right now. I just want to move already. I hate this.


So enough of my bitching. No one wants to read bitching.

I'm going to be going to my Uncle's house tomorrow for a week. I think I'm leaving later on in the afternoon, so I'll be sitting down just in time to blog. 
I hate the thought of sleeping in that house.

The house is fine. Don't get me wrong. Nice house.
Just... it's not where I belong. 
THIS house is not where I belong. But at least it's mine. I have free reign to walk around in my underwear.

I also wont be able to smoke. So you're going to get some angry blogs this week. 
Angry. Blogs.


So this is where I get sappy and give you a link to something. 
It will be okay. I promise. Just relax,
take a deep breath. Sometimes you need a little cheesy.

I also want you to check out my friend Ashley's blog. She's amazing, and she's an amazing writer. She was writing about Valentine's day the other day, and my mouth was literally hanging open. 
She's also been blogging about healthy exercise recently, and God knows I need to pay more attention to that. 


I'm sorry that this wasn't an amazing blog tonight, guys. I'm just not in an "amazing" mood. Tomorrow will be better. 

I hope you all have an amazing day. 
You deserve the best. 


Thursday, February 16, 2012

OH LOOK! That blog thing!

I adore the movie "The Babysitter".
I freaking LOVE the movie The Babysitter. 
It's my all time favorite thug movie.

Since no one actually PAYS for things on the internet anymore, I'm watching a movie online, called "The Babysitter". It's so damn funny. It's like... if Snoop dog and Eminem were both sperm donors for Jess from "New Girl", that would be the main character. 

(Jess from New Girl, if you don't watch it. ^ )

Yes, I know it's almost 1am.
I know I'm drinking lime soda and watching pirated movies.

I know.
Lizzi, you should go to sleep, you spend too much time on the internet, blah blah...
No really. I know.
You're starting to sound like my mom. Jeez. 

No... my mom doesn't care.

For those of you who also spend "too much" time online, I've decided to come up with a list of nifty little sites to waste your time on.
So here goes, in no particular order.

1.) Facebook (This goes without saying... )
2.) Twitter
3.) Memebase
4.) Omegle
5.) Top 50 Time Wasters
6.) Cleverbot
7.) Youtube
8.) zMovie (Free [Not necessary legal] Full length NEW movies. )
9.) Hulu
10.) Blogger

Oh Lizzi, you're so funny. You blog about wasting time on Blogger. 
Really, I do. 
If you guys don't have a blog yet, maybe you should get one. It's actually really fun, and it's an easy way to vent if you're just fed up. I spend a lot of time on here writing the blogs that you read. I've probably spent 30 minutes just on this part of the blog alone. 
I spend so much time on these sites. 
I almost wish I had more to add to that list. Maybe a "Top 20 time waster" list. 
But then again, I put a site that has 50 time wasters on it. So what now. 
Facebook and youtube are just sites that are hardwired into our brains as mega sites. 

When something funny happens, you take pictures of it for Facebook.
When someone says something funny, you quote it on facebook. 
Don't you lie to me, I know you do it. 

Speaking of facebook... All of today's posts were really sad. 
Or about a significant other. 

Just saw a status that someone's friend just got in a car accident, and they're in coma. And that person wants everyone to text them.
That's really unfortunate and all... but your friend just went into a coma... and you're facebooking? I'm not sure I grasp that. 

I think 2 of the funniest statuses I've ever seen on my facebook were:

( Click on the photos to make them bigger. )


"I'm being pulled over, and probably getting arrested".

It was so funny to open up my facebook and see that someone cared enough about Facebook to update their status as they were going to be put in jail. Nice. 
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

And Twitter...
Don't even get me started. 
Unlike Facebook, there's no social boundaries on how much you can tweet.
At least on Facebook, it's considered rude to flood someone's news feed with your thought and be invasive. On Twitter, it's encouraged. 
You could update your Twitter 500+ times a day, and no one would think you're weird. 

Case and point:

He's funny and all... but this was just right up there. He floods my twitter DAILY with random things I couldn't care less about. Most of them stolen quotes from other people.

I actually got a really weird tweet from someone not too long ago. They tweeted me a picture of my house, and my location in it. 
I guess that the Twitter location services were keeping track a little TOO well. 
I turned that shit off.

I think the weirdest part was that he only had one tweet, and it was to me. And who's standing near me? It says that someone was standing close to where I was. 
He's blocked. 

The Internet used to be a great thing. People used it to communicate and find people like them/ ideas for the future.
And now people use it to stalk everyone online. 

You can't say you haven't done it either. 

We've all gotten on Facebook, and ended up going through the albums of people on there. 
We've looked at their information, and looked at someone's statuses and updates from months back. 
We're all creepy on the Internet. 
But the best part is, we all complain about creeps. And trolls. 

This video perfectly explains my point. 

She is absolutely hilarious. 
She makes me feel better, knowing that someone's out there spitting out the truth. More power to her. 


The point of this blog isn't to make you feel bad for spending all of your time online. It's to celebrate it.
Look at you.
Our future is technology. 
You're just getting an extreme jump start on the future. 
You think ahead.
Clever you.

It's also to give you some ideas of other sites to help you "plan for the future".


I also recommend google chrome, if you don't have it. (GOD forbid that you still use Explorer. )
It's got a nice app store that's completely free as well. It's got a mountain of things that are free to add on your computer, without a download. 
(Angry birds, Instagram, Art programs, Music... etc. )


So feel better about spending all of your time online. 
Because sun? Who needs sun. 
We just need our computer glow. 
It's too bright out there anyway. 


I hope you guys enjoyed my blog today. I got a bit sarcastic in there. But don't take me seriously all the time. I'm a computer nerd too. 
Have a good day everyone. Or if you haven't slept yet, go to bed. I'll still be here when you wake up.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Secret handshake.

You know how they say, "A blank piece of paper can be intimidating", because you don't know where to start when you write? You can feel overwhelmed because you're just sitting there staring at white. It's blank. It's waiting for you to begin something... and you lost everything you had to say because it's so... empty.
That applies to blogs too.
My editing page looks like this:

So when I start writing... this is all I see.

And you know... I have so much to say up until I get to this page. From the moment I type in "", I'm surrounded by white, and I forget everything.
I actually have to force myself to remember what I wanted to talk about.

So here we go with today's blog. 
You see what I did there? My page is no longer blank. 

Easier working space.


As you all know
( Because of your facebook news feed blowing up with pink pictures, presents, and multiple status updates on the pros and cons of Valentines day... )


That's where I'm going to begin talking, because that was what I woke up to.
Pink shit.
My mom woke me up to give me a chocolate bear that was about the size of my palm. Valentine's day has always been a day that my family gives little gifts.
Like a super mini pink Christmas. 
I don't think anyone actually does it because they WANT to, though. I think it's more of a "This is what we do. So I'm going to do it" thing.
I played on the computer for a couple hours, before I decided to go on a walk to smoke and find the glove I lost while walking last night. 

I wandered up a hill, and found a little ditch. I guess it's private property ( Someone had to tell me later on. )
But it was so peaceful. Sitting on this hill, with no one knowing where I was. It was just a time to get away. 
Eventually, my mom texted me asking me where I was, so I walked back home. 

I spent the next few hours rolling through facebook, and I watched an episode of House on Hulu.
(I'm so active.)

This is where everything gets a little more interesting. 

I went with my family to Fazoli's. I started people watching, and realized that there was every type of couple there.
I saw a young couple,
an old couple,
A couple with children,
A double date,
and a guy by himself.
It was almost cute to watch the young couple giggle and take pictures together. Ahhh innocence.

I went to cold stone creamery afterwards, to get some cake batter ice cream.

When I was walking across the parking lot to the doors, I saw a little white car COVERED in Bob Marley apparel. 
Bobble head...
It even had a Jamaican flag flying from the antenna.
It was definitely something interesting. 
I can get down with some "I shot the sheriff", but not when it's coming out of your exhaust pipe.

Then I came home and skyped with Sean. He got me a little devil/angel bear. It was so cute. 
I felt bad, because I thought I could buy his V-day present later, and give it to him on the 27th, but he had already gotten me something to show on skype. He said it wouldn't count as a Valentine's gift if I got it on another day. I know he was joking around, but I took it seriously. 

He has to wake up early, so we said goodnight around 10pm.

As soon as we hung up, I rushed to the store. 
Like a bat out of hell, 
I ran to get my Valentine's day gift for him.

As soon as I got home,
I sent him a picture. 
I felt accomplished. Like I had succeeded in this game of "Beat the Clock".

Maybe I'm too competitive.


That's basically my entire day. I mean... there were a few things I didn't explain... but I didn't think you'd want to know how many bristles are on my toothbrush.
( I tried to count. Couldn't find a tweezer. Bitches are hard to hold on to. )

This blog isn't going to be amazingly interesting.
Probably because I started late... it's 1:14am. 

I don't know... I'm just finding it easier to sleep tonight. I'm already tired. I guess that's what happens when I feel better. 
And I do feel better. 
Like I said in my blog last night... I only needed a specific text. And I got it. 

I hope you all had a good day, 
and I hope today's even better. 
You're awesome. Thank you for reading. 
It will be more interesting today. 

                                                     ^ My chocolate bear. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

I get it. 3rd blog? No life.

Awwwwwwh, it's you again? Welcome back (: I missed you.

I'm still up. Happy Valentine's day, everyone.  It's officially the day. Go forth and multiply. 
What am I doing? Oh thank you for asking.
Look at you.
Caring about me.

I'm facebooking.
Taking pictures and facebooking.

Honestly... that probably seems like a dumb picture.
But it's got a story.
Kind of a love story.
Get your sappy seatbelts on, let's begin.

That little stuffed puppy is a victoria's secret puppy. 
It's not really expensive,
or collectible.
But a couple months ago, Sean and I went on a trip to Denver. We spent the whole day there... and we ended up at the Cherry Creek Mall.
I went into victoria's secret, and got this puppy with my purchase. 
Upon going back to Sean's house, he sprayed it with his cologne. 
When I took it home, it made me feel comfortable that I had his smell on something that gave me a memory. 
Throughout the months, we've passed it back and forth, each spraying it with our scents. 
It was at his house from September 2011 to the beginning of February 2012.
When I left his house this last time, he sprayed it, and then gave it back to me. 
I've been sleeping with it every night.
I actually have woken up holding it a few times.
It's just one of those things that brings you back to happier times. You know... like a good memory. It's something special to  me. I actually posted this picture on my facebook too. 

This picture was taken July 7th, 2011:

I've had this puppy for a long time. 
It's actually by my computer right now. I can see it as I type.


It's one of those things that reminds you that it will all be okay. Not just because of who it's from, but because I look at it and remember how tough things seemed up until February 2011.

It's like a scar. 
You remember how much it hurt when the wound was fresh. You remember the bad times it brought. But now you can look back on it, and see that you're in a better place.

I can't say that I'm in a better place. Summer 2011 was the best summer I've ever had. There was peace,
and laughter.
No stress... no wondering if you had an assignment for school you needed to study for.
No wondering if you were going to wake up sad or upset.

Here's where I'm going to get sappy as all hell.

My challenge for you today,

Is to find that happy item.

You're probably not going to listen to me, because you think you're too cool to find a "happy item".

But if you're waking up this morning, dreading this valentines day for whatever reason,
I need you to find something that you can look at and think,
"Hey. There were better times. Today sucks, but I know at one point, I was so happy".

Things always seem like they'll never get better. When you're in the heat of a moment, you feel hopeless,
wondering if you'll ever feel alright again.

But when you think you can't make it through, I challenge you to think of the LAST time you thought you wouldn't make it through.
Look what you've done.
You're here. 
You're reading my 3rd blog of the night. Why?
Because you're stronger than you think.

If you're single today, putting on a brave face,
good for you.
You will get through today. You only have to get through a couple hours of gooey couple shit before you start another day, and they go back to fighting and living life. 

If you're in a relationship today, and you don't feel like he/she is doing enough for you today,
just remember that it's just another day.

Maybe it's called "Valentine's Day".
But hunnie, it's just another tuesday.
You just have more pink.
And if you don't like pink,
hide in your room,
with me.
(Big cheesy grin here. )

Find your comfort item. Make it something that makes you smile when you look at it. 
Remember that you can do it.


If you could care less about Valentine's day, and hate me for blogging about it,
this still applies to you.
A comfort item isn't just for Holidays and awkward situations.
It's something that reminds you that you can do it.

And God knows we both have enough stress.


Just be happy today, guys. Don't make me tell you again. 
You're worth all the happiness in the world. 


Have a good day everyone. 

Part 2- Post Dinner

So we can get into the mood together, listen to my music as you read. It's the same music I was listening to while writing it. 
(Or not. You know... whatever makes you happy.)

I'm still in a bad mood. Who would have guessed? Me. I would have guessed. 
As it stands, I'm still playing the "Fuck the World" game until I get a certain text. 
Which, hey, might not actually arrive for a week. 
Isn't that great?
I might be pissy for a week.

Anyway... tomorrow is Valentine's day. Not to rub it in... I know that most of you hate me for even bringing it up right now. 
I hate it.
I loathe valentine's day.
I've been single EVERY year. 

And every year, my dog is the only valentine I have.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
It's like... we know that Valentine's day is going to be a disappointing, but we wake up V-day morning like,

And we end it bawling our eyes out, because nothing actually happened. 
Our expectations are too high.

YOUR expectations are too high. 

I also want to take a moment, 
and have a moment of silence,
for the virginity's that are going to be lost tomorrow.

Everyone bow your heads....
and let's all say a prayer for the countless moans,
and souls,
that are going to escape tomorrow.
And let us have another moment for the countless acts of bondage done with red furry cuffs tomorrow.
Okay that's enough to mess with your head,
let's get down to the goodie goodies.


We need to change the subject before you start thinking too much into that... so let's talk about The Walking Dead. 
Did anyone else see that yesterday?
And the Grammy's?

The Grammy's were a bit dissapointing. I mean... the first hour of it alone, 
was enough to bore you to death.


I'm actually about to head out on a walk... I need to clear my head a little bit. I'm sure I'll probably write more later. So this might be a 3 part blog.

Have a good night everyone... And if you're going to be alone tomorrow,
I hope you have an amazing Valentine's. 

If you're not alone,

wear a condom.

Goodnight everyone.

Part 1- before dinner.

I just used my laptop as an arm extension to shut my door.

Hi guys. 

So I'm going to be straight up with you, and tell you that I'm having a god awful day. But that's why I blog, right? To let these cooped up emotions flow.
The day started out alright. Woke up and smoked a cigarette. 
That was actually just how it happened too. There was no "get water after rolling out of sheets and wandering the house". No. It was just immediate. 
I woke up, rolled out of bed, grabbed a smoke, and walked outside. There wasn't even a pause. I guess my body knew that today was going to suck.
Come to think of it, I did have a sinking feeling in my gut this morning. I thought I'd just put it aside to go about my day, because I had no reason to be feeling that way. 
I came back inside, and started up my laptop. 
I sat there, playing online for a while. 
Played some relaxing music, checked my facebook... etc. 
I went out to smoke (Yet again ). Except this was my last cigarette. A lucky. Now why wasn't it lucky...?
This is where everything fell apart. 
I can honestly say that I'm confused as hell. 
I didn't do anything actually "argument worthy"... But I guess everyone's just having a bad day. 
Great, isn't it? Day before valentine's day.
People fight. 

That's the spirit.
Spread the love. 

I had an anxiety attack immediately following. Yaaaaaaaaaaay me. 
This one was pretty bad... but it was more of a "feels like pins are being stuck in me all over" feeling, instead of just my heart. 
I think I need to go back to the doctor. 
I don't think it's healthy to be having this many heart problems. 

I was able to do my makeup, and take a few pictures with my brother too. Just some silly webcam photos. 

But after all the shit that happened, I just wasn't feeling okay. I decided that since it wasn't going to be resolved, I was just going to sleep my problems away. So from 3-5 something, I was sleeping. Avoiding my problems.

Of course, you always have to wake up. And I did. 
Would you be surprised if I told you that the problems HADN'T gone away?
Yeah, me neither. 

The problems are STILL here, as a matter of fact.
Day before valentine's day... seems like I'm going to be spending Valentine's day alone without a text, call... or whatever. 

Well I'm going to go eat dinner, and I'll be writing another blog afterwards . (Part 2- post dinner )

Everyone chill. (:
Eat something. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The types of Facebookers...

I'm feeling really "bloggy" today... so I thought I'd get a jump start and begin writing my first blog today. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be writing another one tonight, but it's always fun to write. 

So my morning has started out very interesting.

I have an interesting sense of humor today. It probably wont be funny to anyone else, but I'm getting a huge kick out of it. 

I woke up to my mom telling me that she had made breakfast. Which was weird... we never make family meals... especially breakfast. 
Hell... we don't usually eat breakfast, I think. 
At least I don't. My meals start in the afternoon. 

You know, usually when I write a blog... I just start talking and see where it takes me. I don't set out a specific topic. I usually just wing it. But I had some specific things that were on my mind this morning that I wanted to talk about. It's kind of going to be more of a "List" of things. SO LET'S GET THIS STARTED.

1.)  Faking being "Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay. I realize that a lot of people wont say anything about this, because they're not prepared to deal with the shit that they're going to get. But here I go. Fact of the matter is, being "bisexual" is a new trend going around. I'm not denying that people can be bisexual. I'M bisexual. But I'm saying that being "bisexual" started being considered something cool to be recently, and people are calling themselves bisexual, just to fit into a certain group. I'm really getting annoyed with it. It's like people are putting on this fake show, so that people will like them more. 
I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a message from some 13 year old girl on facebook saying "I'm bisexual. Are you bisexual"?
Why in the world would you open up a conversation like that?
The way you can tell the "fake" people from the legit people is by the way they open a conversation. This picture really explains my whole point. 

Needless to say, I ended that conversation really fast. 
I'm sure I look great in lingerie. That's not the point where I got uncomfortable. What made me uncomfortable was the fact that she was completely cookie cutter fake. 
I'm going to let you guess what she looked like. 

Come on. Guess.

Think about the hair first.


You got it?

I'll give you a hint. Hair in the face, mirror pictures... etc. 
(Unfortunately she's blocked now... so I can't show you. )
So THAT'S TOPIC NUMBER ONE. I just wanted to express how annoying it is... I understand being "bi-curious"... I understand trying to find yourself. Just please be open about it, and admit that you aren't sure. 


and Topic number
2.)   Facebook/Text talk.

Now see, I rarely get on people for this, because I feel like it would be ridiculous to tell other people to have better grammar, when I can just as easily delete them.
But I'm going to put it on my blog, in hopes that maybe someone will read it and think; "Hey. That sounds like me. Maybe it does look weird to spell it like that". Because it does. 
I'm talking about when 
p30pl3 sp3ll l!k3 d!s.
Orr Whenn Peoplee Typee Likee Thiss. 
or like dis.
Or lyke thiss.
Or LyKe ThIs.
Or wit bahd grahmur lyke thes.

It's not attractive, nor legible when you type like that. I'd much rather throw myself off a bridge than read countless facebook statuses saying things that I don't care about, much less understand. 
It's always the people that post stupid statuses too. MULTIPLE times a day.

See, there are multiple kinds of people on facebook. Maybe we should go through them.

The "I'm going to tell you every detail of my life" person

These are the types of people that wake up, and write a facebook status about it. 
"I'm up now... going to go eat some cereal".
"Going to go brush my teeth and go to the mall now for some fun with (tagged person)".

The "Like my band" facebooker

Especially if you're friends with someone on facebook who's actually in a band. They message you multiple times a month, with a mass message telling everyone to "Go here and like my page". If you say okay, you might even get back a "Thanks bro. 'Preciate it". 
My answer will always be "no". 
My facebook is for my friends. And friends don't let friends be asses on facebook, mmkay?

The "I don't actually know these people, and my name isn't real" person

What's more annoying than role playing facebookers? Role playing facebookers who try to pretend they're real. 
Usually with names like "AlyssaStole MySocks SixxFreak"... they prowl on facebook, adding everyone and everything they see. You don't honestly expect me to believe that 5,000 people actually know you, do you? Ehh... I'll pass. You'll always get a rejected friend request from me if you're not a real person. I have no time to deal with fake faces and names. 

The "I hashtag wrong on every status" person

Need I say more? This type of facebooker will write statuses like,

"So excited for the movies tonight.
# I like movies".

Hash-tags are supposed to look like this, everyone. 

And notice how it's on twitter? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh.

The "I only take pictures of my dog/cat" person

Need I say more?

(That was so funny... I opened my facebook, and this was on top. The comments are perfect too.)

The horrible speller

"Bruhh i totallee need too go get sum of dat choklat chip eyece creem we had the othur day".


The deep poet

The attention seeker

"Like my status if I'm pretty".
"I'm feeling so sad today".
People who seek attention through any means necessary... it just gets annoying. Even if you actually are feeling sad, do you really need to post it on facebook and complain? What's that going to do for you? You might get likes. Maybe a comment. But that shouldn't mean so much to you that you feel happier with them.
And just for the record, seeking out compliments takes you down 2 or 3 points on the "attractive" scale. 

( I just played "see how fast you can take a picture and delete your status" ) 

The copy and paste other people's statuses and quotes to get likes 

We've all seen it. People taking quotes from other people, and pretend they  made it up just so that they could get some likes.
Really though... why is getting likes so important? 


I honestly can't think of any more. (Help me out? LIKE MY FACEBOOK POST AND COMMENT TELLING ME WHAT YOU THINK. )
While you're at it, like my band, yo.

Now on to bigger and brighter things.
I will start talking about my life, now. If you don't mind. 

I'm going to be going to my uncle's house for a week on Friday. He's going off to Mexico and I'm in charge of babysitting the dogs and watering plants.
(A certain blast. )

One of the things everyone in my family's been telling me is "Don't have anyone over there while you're there".
Really...? Even if I wanted to have people over... who would I bring over? All of my friends are up north.
Remember my picture I posted in my blog a few days ago?

(Hope this looks familiar. )

So I don't have anyone down here anyway... but the thought that I would be cool enough to have a party while you're gone was sweet. <3

I'm also going to be going down to Loveland on the 27th to celebrate something amazing. 
So that's going to be 2 weeks out of this house. Uh... hell yes. Epic win right there.


I hope you guys are all having a good day. 
Oh my god it's 5pm... 
I Well on the bright side... I'm one day closer to April 25th. 

Another blog will be up later! Have a good day.