Sunday, January 8, 2012

This... right here... is my swag.

You know, this week I've been horribly depressed. 
I'm sure you could all tell from my blog posts... ( especially  my 3 word post... )
But I think I'm slowly getting better. 
I mean, some things have happened in the last 2 days that just made me extremely happy. Of course, I'm not going to go into details. But the gist of it, is that I know what I want. I was struggling to find and help myself. I felt like I was drowning. But now, I feel like I have a better understanding of myself and what I'm capable of. 
I wont lie though... I feel like I miss the old days. I honestly wish I could go back to summer of 2011... I honestly didn't have a care in the world. 
I thought I did... but I was so wrong. I was happy, free to do what I wanted. I was hardly home, which was SO nice. 
I hate being home. So much tension. Pressure. Too much to handle on top of the normal every day shit. 
So I guess that last year was my year to change. 
I changed a lot of things last year. Not all for the better. 
I realized things about myself.
One, being that I take...
too much for granted. 
I needed to cherish the little things, and somehow, I managed to sink myself in an ocean of fears and frustrations.
So this year will be different. And every year to come. 
I know what makes me happy. I know what it feels like to not have it. 
I know what it feels like to have everything ripped away. To feel like your helpless. And I'm not. I'm not at all. 

I'm going to get what I want. One way or the other, I will be happy. And in less that 3 months, I will be LEGALLY free to do whatever makes me happy.
Isn't that crazy...

Last August, I was scared. 
I had to move away from everything I loved. 
And when I thought about it then, 
I had 8 months before I'd be able to be on my own. To be where I wanted to be. 
And here I am... less than 3 months from that day. 

But for some reason, it doesn't feel like I thought it would. 8 months ago, I was so sure that I had my life set. I knew where I wanted to be, 100%.
And it's hard to admit, but what I want might not even be an option in 2 and a half months. 
So where do I go from here?

On the even darker side of the situation... valentine's day is rolling around, and I can't stand to parade through another sugary, sticky holiday alone. 
Every year I've been alone for Valentine's day. 

I think the best thing I've ever received was a dollar store miniature bear from someone I hate. 
(It's for good reason. )
I just seem to always miss that holiday. 

Last year, I barely missed it. I was what... 13 days off.
Yes, I remember. I remember everything. 
Thank you, February 27, 2011. 

Oh it's crazy how time flies by...
Fuck this though. 
If I'm alone for v-day this year, I'm egging someone's house. 
You all have a good night (:


  1. I'm really sorry for how you have been feeling lately... Thing is, I kinda know how it feels. I have been watching your video's and reading your blog since I found out about it 2 days ago and I don't know how you do it but you actually kept me watching the makeup vids XD.
    Anyway, so I just wanted to say I know how it feels, having had a sucky time as well, feeling down (or sometimes even borderline depressed) alot. I'll be watching your vids and reading your blog from now on, maybe try to help by conversation, if you want. And I hope you can make that much needed positive change ;)

    1. <3 Thank you so much. I'm glad you watch... it feels good to get to talk with someone who likes them. Even the makeup videos... haha.
