Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I do procrastinate. I understand that. 
I know that I haven't written a blog in a long time. Maybe I've been too busy watching UK soap operas. 
Or Law and Order. 
Mostly Law and Order, but the soap operas come in a close second. 

I just haven't felt up to giving the world my honest opinion lately. Lots of bad things happening, and I'm not sure that giving out my emotions is best. 
But I can't neglect the blog for long. 
It's supposed to be my "cyber therapist". 
And how am I supposed to feel better, and get things out, if I don't talk to something? 
I would say some one but I've been realizing that human beings are irresponsible and cruel with personal information.
So here,

Mood: comedic, lazy.
I'm on my bed.

I'm watching the Colbert Report on Hulu. 
I don't have a television, and we've never had cable.
I'm really excited to watch the show. It brings some comedy to real life issues. And I need that. 

So let's see. 
Recently, I've had to come to the realization that you can't change reality. You're capable of changing so many things... but when it comes to other people's free will... you're S.O.L.
I still tried though.
I really did.
I pushed myself to stay positive in the worst situations. 
And what did I receive? Ah right. Hatred. Anger. 
What's even better, is that I did nothing to deserve it. 

What is it that people say? 

"Do unto others, as you would have done to you".

Now... I have been 100% sweet. Nice. Loyal. Honest. 
What's been the payout?
Well... let's just say that the two words "fuck you" have become the sweetest term I've heard this week. 
I thought karma was supposed to give me a better result. 
I'd like ANYONE to come forward, and tell me what I've possibly done to deserve the absolute shit that I've had lately. 
Let's see. Why don't I look up the definition of "karma".


  1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) The sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in...
  2. Destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.

This must mean that I've done something amazingly fucked up in my past, right?
To deserve to be called every name in the book, yelled at, deceived, lied to, led on? 
Something I did must have been ridiculously horrible to deserve almost 9 months of fake, hmm. 
And 4 months of hell AFTER that.
I'm tired of crying. 
Tired of being used.

Some people like that though, right?
Like those fake boobs.
Some people like fake relationships. 
Ah, but that's not me. 

I suppose I should do a brief run-through of what I've been up to then.

-Saw Sherlock Holmes.
-Hung out with friends.
-Watched TV online.
-Went to Colorado Springs a lot. 

Oh. I've been playing a new online game... Requiem: Memento Mori.
It's pretty cool. One of the "I'm going to run around now. And kill that. AAAAAAnd that" games.
And I made a few youtube videos. 
But that's about it. 

( If you want to see the youtube videos I've made, click on the links at the bottom of this blog. )

I've honestly been doing nothing important. 
Well... I guess it depends on your idea of important. But if making ramen while watching a Law and Order on Russian Mail Order Brides sounds fun to you... then maybe we should talk. (:

Ah, so now I'm watching The Daily Show, with Jon Stewart. ( Watch the episode I'm watching HERE. )

I'm enjoying this. 
And there's a rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies, and coca-cola in my kitchen. Sounds like the makings of a delicious dinner. 

Well I'm sorry for the boring blog today, guys. 
I don't have much to say today. 
I'll have more to say tomorrow. I just need some inspiration first. 

and I'm getting my hair cut on the 12th. So I'll be sure to post pictures on that day. 

But that's basically the idea of the haircut. ^^^^^^^^

I hope you all have a good night.

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