Sunday, December 18, 2011

I'm blogging because I have to.

I'm not tired right now. Yes, I realize it's almost 2 am... but I feel like it's mid afternoon. My body clock is so off.  I'm not blogging because I want to , I'm actually blogging because I made a promise to myself to blog daily, so I don't go into overdrive. 
So... my day, right? That's usually how I start my mini-rants.
I went to Colorado Springs today to help my great grandmother make cookies for Christmas, and I helped her deliver them. That part was fine... I just had a bit of difficulty getting there with my family.
We were bumped (on purpose ) by a motorcyclist on the drive there, and he sped off, and when we happened to see him again at another stoplight, he got paranoid and got off his bike in the middle of the road to confront my mother. 
Not only did he stop traffic, but he tapped on the drivers window, and started the confrontation with; "Can I help you". 
My mom then went out to bitch him out, scare the living daylights out of this wannabe Jersey Shore character. 
(No joke... He had the designs shaved into his head. )
He then sped off, after hopping on his little toy street bike.
He had the voice of sloth from the Goonies too, I swear to God. I almost hope that he's a computer buff, and that one day he'll read this and go: "Oh my God, I am such an ass".
Because really, my dear, you are.

Besides that though, I went to the Cidadel shopping mall in south Colorado Springs as well, and can you say "dumbasses"?
The building was littered with horribly dressed emo kids and "hard" gangsters (and their baby mama's.)
Have you ever seen those kids that wear cotton gloves to "hide their' fingerprints"?
Ridiculous little creeps. 
I mean, I've seen 12 year old boys doing that. 
Do you realize how idiotic you look with short sleeves and little mittens?
Maybe your mother didn't teach you how to dress yourself, but take it from someone who at least tries to dress with the weather--
short sleeves and gloves don't go together.
On top of that, no one cares about your fingerprints. 
If the police actually cared about finding you, I'm sure a hair strand with your DNA would do just as well.
So please,
by all means,
start wearing hair nets, you hard ass thugs.

And word to the wise when it comes to trying to dress emo,
Don't wear those damn punched out 3D glasses. 
You look like an idiot.
I mean, not like you didn't look like an idiot before the glasses. 
I'm just saying, that if you bypass the skinny jeans that are one size too small, 
the converse your mommy bought for you after you cried and threatened to kill yourself,
the dry, broken straw on your head that you call hair,
and the band t-shirts that you all happen to have,
( you're so individual. )
Those glasses make you look like a pathetic rip off of McJagger.

And for the love of GOD,
stop grouping around hot topic.
Like, we know your soul is so damn dark, and that your surroundings have to match your outfits,
but if you go outside and stand in the street, it matches just as well.
I mean, stay away from those bright orange traffic cones though. 
Too happy for you.

Honestly, I know I'm hardcore trolling on the people of the Cidadel mall,
But seriously, guys??
You have nothing better to do with your time, that stand around in a business area, being seen next to the stores you so avidly represent?
I have an amazing idea.
Go to school,
get an education,
and get a job.

Back to my day though, I suppose. All of this stupidity has me distracted, and I'm in the mood to rip people's cyber heads off.
I went through the mall, stopping at the candy store to get some Cow Tales. 
And I know I've been avoiding eating them for a while... I guess they just brought back some unfriendly memories. But I managed
(managed... such a funny word. What I mean to say was that I...)
Scarfed down a cow tale faster than I got it out of the package. 
Love my candy.

I also went into the Gamestop to look at games that I wanted for Christmas, and the store clerk went straight to my younger brother to ask him what he was looking for.
Uhm, hello darling. He's not looking at anything, actually. I am.
I understand it's a bit difficult to grasp the concept of anything with a vagina getting near a controller of any type, but the decent thing you could do is ask. 
EVEN IF I wanted a DS game. ( Which I don't. Thanks for politely asking me that much later).
I actually was drooling over a few games you had that just came out. None of that mario kart shit.
I don't want your princess games, 
and I don't want a game for a wii.
I don't actually own a DS, that would be the child you asked first. My younger brother is the one who shies away from gaming.
From personal experience, since I applied where I used to live,
I know exactly what the qualifications are to work at Gamestop. And I know you can't be that big of an idiot to ignore the female looking at a collection of ELDER SCROLLS games in the back. 
Or maybe you were too busy looking at my tits?

Besides all that BS that went on today, I'd have to say it was a pretty good day. I got some of my christmas presents, and I got some great pictures of me playing in the flour.
(No 'get in the kitchen' comments, please. )
I had a relaxed day, and I can honestly say that my night was great. I got to talk to someone I love talking to, and I know I'm going to get some good sleep.
I hope you guys enjoyed my rant for the evening...
my 2:11am rant?
I'm always a day late. 
Have a great night guys... and hopefully you're already asleep. 
So have a good morning (:

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