Thursday, December 22, 2011

I couldn't hear you over the gunfire... Sorry.

Word to the wise... if you call me while I'm playing Black Ops... and all you hear in the background is shooting... It might be good if you called me back later. 
Not only will you not get a straight answer from me, ( no matter what question you ask... )
I'll get slightly annoyed.
If there's gunfire... I'm busy.
If there's loud subs in the background, I'm busy.
If there's yelling, 

And see, I'm not busy often. But you can't get mad at me, when I don't respond to you. I seriously am fully concentrating on whatever I happen to be playing at the time.

So after that mini rant, I suppose I'll tell you about my day. 

Mood: Tired, happy.
Where I am: ( I'm going to delete this section... I'm always on my bed. )

Today was extremely boring. I can't honestly say that I did anything life impacting or amazing. I was lazy for the most part. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean 4 while I cleaned my room, and then uploaded a video to youtube, that you can watch

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

And I took a shower. Was on skype for a bit afterwards, and got myself together around 8:30pm to go out and do what I always do...
play video games. 
That seems to be my whole life recently. Especially Black Ops.
Although... I played the new Assassin's Creed Revelations tonight as well... And I have to admit, I'm a bit upset that you can't play it split screen. ( No fun. )
I also didn't like the limited mobility I had throughout the start of the game. I would have preferred to have a larger area to find and assassinate my targets. It would have made the hunt better. But it really doesn't feel too different from the other AC's.  Same shit, different disk.
But the fun part of tonight, was the mini snow fight Will and I had in my front lawn. Of course... I started the whole thing. I kicked a giant snow drift at him, and he returned the favor. 
I honestly don't like snow very much. 
It's cold... wet.
I like the way it looks, but DAMN.
Do I need to risk the possibility of having my fingers turn black and fall off to witness it's beauty?
I really feel irritated now. 
I feel lost. 
And I can feel my depression sliding it's fingers across my throat. Waiting to choke me.... so I better go to sleep. Amazingly enough, this was my whole day. Like I said... I don't do anything. 
Goodnight everyone.

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