Sunday, December 11, 2011

The first blog is always the hardest.

Mood: Happy
Where am I: On my bed skyping with Nolan.

Okay... So the first time blogging your whole day is the hardest. After a while, you just get so into the habit of blogging, you don't even have to think about it. So I think that now I've finally gotten it down. After, all I've had previous blogs that are floating around the internet somewhere. ( Like nude photos of lindsay lohan.)
So... my day...
I woke up this morning a bit grumpy. I had to do some dishes as soon as I woke up, and I don't think that anyone really wakes up excited to clean. But maybe that's just me.
After doing the dishes, I managed to pull myself together, and put some makeup on. 
I hardly have any foundation left by the way... 
Makeup, why must you be so damn expensive??
But I somehow managed to get my face covered in that pocket emptying liquid, and turned on Facebook to start creeping through.

I seriously micro-manage my facebook. I know every little detail of everything on there. And I know that's not normal. I go a bit extreme with it. But I don't want something going on there that would be bad for everyone to see. 
Trust me, I've had some bad things posted on facebook. And thank god for my micro-managing, because otherwise, I would have gotten some concerned messages. 
I read some things on my facebook that really kind of upset me. 
Things about the way I used to be in high school and all that. It hurts to know that some people just make assumptions about me before they even know the full story. 
I will be the first to admit, I have some problems. And from an outside perspective, without any explanation, I can see how they would be cause for some nasty rumors. But seriously??
I mean, I heard that a rumor circulated my high school after I moved, saying things like, I was moving after I attacked a kid at school. 
All 5'7" of me ATTACKED a boy at school? Me?
Something about me being a pagan who was preforming some spell on this boy to have control over him. 
Whoever started this rumor must have been in league with the person who started the "cat boy raper" rumor when I was at school. And if you're reading this; you should consider a career in writing fiction, because DAMN.
No, everyone. I did not preform anything like that, Nor did I have any intentions on harming anyone at or near that school. 
I simply moved, because my family needed a new start, and to be closer to my aging relatives in Colorado Springs.
Wellington did nothing good for me, besides give me life experiences in how NOT to grow up. 
And thank god for the move, because at the time I was stuck in this horrible place. My priorities were messed up.

But moving on, since that's only the morning... and this is a blog, not a novel...

So after writing a letter to someone that was accusing me of being a worshiping the devil,
I played a bit on youtube. 
I started watching videos on cars-- because I don't think anything else online can give me that happy quick-fix like the rev of a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. 
(I am such a man.)
My mom went out to get a christmas tree and some groceries at this point, so I texted my best friend to get on skype. 
Skype should be getting paid for how long they let me on. What was it, 10 hours yesterday, and I'm sure something around 7 so far today. It's just nice to have that person with you all the time. Someone who understands you, and who doesn't judge when you dance to music videos eating chocolate pudding and horrible pizza. 
We watched countless youtube videos, set up our blogs, I created this hilarious ( in my opinion...) picture, 
and I totally got out-geeked by Nolan, as he showed me the little technical details of how to make my blog look awesome.
(Thank you!!)
So here I am. I honestly can't say that I've had a really exciting day. I mean, how exciting could it be considering that this is my 3rd blog post?
So that's it, everyone. 
My day.
In a nutshell.
Tomorrow I'm waking up early to put up christmas decorations around the house.
(Early being like, 9:30. Shuddup, I graduated, I've earned it.)
And I don't know why... but I definately feel like I should be getting down with a Harry Potter marathon soon. 
So goodnight, everyone. Hope everyone has such a nice night... and I hope you all have fun waking up early to do whatever it is you busy people do. 
Monday morning coming soon with the rise and grind...
Get some sleep (:

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