Thursday, December 15, 2011

Don't know where I stand

Mood: thoughtful, but wish I wasn't.
Where I am: On my bed (it's 1:21am... )
I'm listening to: "Rolling in the Deep" - Adele

So I told everyone on Facebook that I wouldn't be blogging again yesterday. But technically, since it is almost 2am, it doesn't count as yesterday. This is just an early morning blog. 
So my day (yesterday?)

Woke up at 8am. I think I fell asleep at 6 something in the morning. Thank you insomnia.
I really had a lazy day. 
I watched Glee early on in the morning, and I can honestly say that the episode wasn't one of the best. Has anyone else noticed that Glee's been sucking lately? 
Like, as someone who's never missed an episode from the very beginning, I feel like the passion and drama was better on the first season than it is now.
At least in the beginning, it was FUN "drama".
Now it's actual drama. And I mean, slapping, fighting, bitching drama. 
Junior high drama. And it's senior year for most of them!

So after that, I honestly just played on the computer for a while. I made a youtube video. 
( Finally, I know. Shut up, I was getting there. )

And you can watch that lovely video HERE.

I can honestly say that I didn't do anything up until 6:30pm yesterday. 
I was having a rough time, and I needed to get out of the house. 
So off to Will's I go.

I swear, I miss having an actual TV. I didn't use it much when I had it, but now that it's gone... All I want is some cable. 

We watched robot chicken, family guy, wolverine ( x-men origins ).... 
basically, that was the night.
TV, games. And thank God I have someone to talk to. 
For a while there I was really going crazy. No one I could call up and just space out in front of a television talking about life's shit.
Not that I've really had much shit in my life... I really don't. Compared to what it used to be, I think I'm doing pretty well.
I also feel like stealing one of his cats. You know, I've never been much of a cat person, but when one of them snuggles up to your stomach, and one of them constantly sticks their' tongue out at you... you start to want them. 
I don't want a cat in general... Just his cats. 

Speaking of his felines, I have a funny story to share.
He has a fluffy  black cat. 
This cat was trying to reach a water glass that was put on the table this afternoon, and when I went to move the glass, he looked frustrated.
I looked at him, and with a funny face, I asked; "You mad, bro"?
The cat LITERALLY slowly turns his head to face me, and he GLARED.
Not like, 
looked at me.
No, this cat GLARED at me.

I don't think I'll be snuggling up with him any time soon.
Besides, my dog hates me for cuddling with the cat. SO.

Ahh maybe I blog too much. You think? Not like I have anything better to do with my time. 
Maybe I should take up a new hobby. 
I paused there...
trying to think of a new hobby I could have.
But all I can think of is getting my teeth brushed, so I can go to sleep.
I'm not tired at all, don't get me wrong. 
But I'm just frustrated. 

Maybe sleeping pills.
Unisom really does nothing for me though, not going to lie.
Ahhhh.... today has been a sufficiently frustrating day.
10 days until Christmas. 
Who wants to buy me a TV? Maybe the new Assassin's creed? Yes? 

Night everyone. (:
Here's some music if you can't sleep.


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