Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thank you, Karma.

So, there's some more bad news on my end. But again, in order for the upcoming events to make any sense, I have to write about the back-story as it happens. 

So here's some more information for this story: my grandpa has Alzheimer's. He has an extremely hard time remembering how to even talk sometimes. He forgets people's names, he forgets faces. He forgets where he is... he even forgets how to get to the house he's lived in for over 30 years. 

So my grandpa was at the YMCA yesterday. ( Saturday, Jan. 7, 2012. )
He likes to go swimming in the lazy river with his floaties. He's always liked to do that, even before he started forgetting. 
The desk clerk at the YMCA always calls my grandmother when my grandpa is done swimming, because my grandpa can't call himself. 
When my grandpa was swimming yesterday, he got out of the pool and slipped on the walk next to it. He couldn't move, and no one from the YMCA helped him up. A man who was swimming in the pool got out, and helped my grandpa get up and gather his things. 
The desk clerk called my grandmother, only saying "he's ready to go home". 

When my grandmother got there, she could see that my grandpa was in pain. His back had started turning black from bruising, and he couldn't breathe. 
She took him to the hospital.
Come to find out that my grandpa broke multiple ribs, and he was actually in a SEVERE amount of pain. Even for someone who wasn't 70 Years old. 

This morning, I called my grandmother to ask how they were doing. 
My grandpa woke up at 6:30 this morning,
and at 9 in the morning, 3 hours later, he had just been able to get downstairs. 

It took him 3 hours to go down a short hallway and 12 stairs. 

He finally just fell back asleep. ( 9:54am. )

My Grandmother also takes care of my Great Grandmother, who broke her neck last year, and has to wear a neck brace.
My Great Grandmother has dementia. She can't even make her own meals, or remember to eat.

I know that this next topic is something I shouldn't talk about. No one wants to say it out loud, and no one will.

But since this is my blog, I have to be honest with myself, and everyone else.

I don't think my grandpa is going to make it through this month. 

As I put the period on that last sentence, I sat there staring at it for a good 10 minutes. 
It's true. 
My grandpa has a lot of physical problems, on top of his mental ones. 
He could barely walk before the fall.
And his bones can't heal as quickly, because of his age. 
This is going to destroy my grandma.

I think the worst part about it all,
is that my great grandmother, is approaching her time as well.

But when either of them pass,
the other one will forget it ever happened. And will ask every day, "where is so-and-so".
So if my grandpa doesn't make it through this month, my grandma will be reminded by my  great grandmother every day.

It's not intentional... and I know that. But I don't know how anyone is going to handle it...


In my last blog, I said that last year was the year for change. 
In all honesty, I think this year is the year of loss.


I don't mean to be so down in my blog lately, guys. I really am sorry. There's a lot going on right now, and there seems to be more every day. I am trying to give you guys something to laugh about though. 

My youtube channel has some really funny videos. I'm putting up more very soon. 
If you guys would like to check out my channel, and tell me what you think, 

>>>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<

I hope you all have a good day. 

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