Thursday, January 5, 2012

Get 'er done.

When's the best time to blog? When you're annoyed of course. 
Mood: annoyed, hot. Frustrated.

And when I said "hot" in the mood section, it's not me being concieted. I literally am BURNING up. I feel like I've got a fever straight out of the flu, and I've got a headache the size of Canada. I don't think I'm sick. I think I'll be fine as soon as I find how to cool down. 
Ah, I know how to cool down. Blogging outside. It's cold here. Not snow cold... but just enough, so that I would shiver if I was out there for too long in a tank-top. 
So I'm going to go put some shoes on, and relocate. 


Okay... so I'm sitting on my front porch now. I'm cold... and I hear people walking down the street.
It's dark here already. 
In the summer I remember it starting to get dark around 9pm.
But now it's 5... so let that be added to the already dismal season of winter. 
The car that just passed me slowed down dramatically as soon as they went passed my house. Why? 
I look dreadful though, I'm sure. My hair is blow-dried, but not done. 
I've got teeth whitening trays in my mouth,
I'm in sweats and a VC pink tee,
and I have no makeup on.
They probably stopped to take pictures. 
Rightfully so. 

My brother almost hit me with the door when he was taking out the trash. What day is it anyway?
It feels like a thursday. But I can't be too sure. 
Car going past....
same damn car.
And some other car across the street is playing ridiculously loud music. 
Oh, and here comes another car. 
Maybe they're making me a tourist attraction. 
Well played, Colorado.
I'm going inside.


It's much better in my room now. 
My fingers are frozen, I think that's why. 

Hmm... so I suppose I need to start on my day now, yeah?
Nothing really exciting so far. 
Going out to hang out with some friends after I get dressed and all. 
(Procrastination... )
Although, I did do a Native American Spirit meditation for about 2 hours. That was relaxing.
It was nice to reconnect with myself. 
Have some time to be calm and just focus on myself. 
I don't do that a lot. I'm more focused on other people. How they feel. What they need. What they want. Their emotions. I guess it just entertains me more. I like knowing how other people work. 
But myself? Oh I already know how I work. 

I woke up extremely late. It was almost 1pm, I think. I don't know why I slept so long.
Usually I hardly sleep. But now... It seems like I just hate being awake. 
So my body shuts down. Refuses to work anymore.
I push my body to the breaking point.
Poor body.

My mom and brother went out shopping, so I stayed home and lazed around. The meditation was the only long, focused activity. 
And that ended up getting me covered in paint.
So I took a long shower... 
and here I am. 

That's all I've done today. Nothing big yet. Nothing super special. 
Just the usual. 

Actually, I watched a hulu tv show earlier. 
Law and Order: SVU.
And it made me amazingly angry. At one point, I was even shouting at the screen. 
Go me.

So I hope that everyone has a good night. (:
You all deserve the best. 

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