Wednesday, March 21, 2012

LOOK, it's me.

Hey guys! I know... it's been about a month since I've updated my blog. There's been a lot of things going on, and I took a little break from the internet. (Well needed... I assure you.)
But instead of giving you something HORRIBLY long and wordy... I'll just give you a list of the new things that have been keeping me away from the talkie-box I spend too much time on.

-Moving in with Sean on April 28, and starting packing
-Visited Northern Colorado for Spring break, and spent some time relaxing
-I got a promise ring from my amazing boyfriend. (He's too sweet to me sometimes.)

-I'm pretty sure I've been to the dentist twice in the time I've been away...
-And last, but not least, I've been doing things that are more important than playing online.

Oh you hush... You know the internet is like the a mind-controlling boss.

Which reminds me. I've gotten a lot of little gaming time in. (:
When I was up in NoCo, Sean and I re-bought Kingdom Hearts, and bought a game that was new to both of us: "Shadow of Colossus". 
It was fun.
Shadow of Colossus is all about the bosses. We decided it would be a sick tattoo idea to have the little warrior standing with his back towards us, and the giant boss towering over him. Nice nice.
It's the little things.

Honestly... I don't have tons of reasons for being absent. I'm just going to leave it at "It was necessary". But I'll be writing more blogs for you guys in the near future. Possibly every day. But we get there when we get there. Tumblr is just so much easier.

And prettier.

Ah well. It's 3am, and I haven't yet gone to bed. So I suppose I should get on that. 
Good morning everyone!

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