It's fine to blame it on me though... because my 90's kid brain doesn't keep up with all of this social networking like some of the kiddies running the streets these days.
You know... when I was little, I had a very limited amount of technology to keep up with.
(And yes... that included a portable CD player. I'm old, I know.)
Unfortunately, I also used to have something called a "tan". They now do that in a bed full of lights. There's a wildabeast named Snooki who could tell you all about that.
I wonder what else has changed. Despite the obvious physical changes that my generation has endured lately... what else has changed?
Let's go on a flashback trip... for all of my 90's kids...
I know you know what this is. But if you're already having some memory problems.... (Feel old yet?) This is a portable CD player. The first one came out in 1978, and the one you bought was called a "Diskman". Kind of like a "walkman"... which our parents had. Oh technology.
Let's see.... remember this?
This, my dear friends- is a Tamagotchi. I remember playing with these when I was in 6th grade.
(Back when 6th grade was in ELEMENTARY school.)
The original Tamagotchi was released in 1996, in Japan.
Now this is going to tickle your pickle. I know you know what THIS is.
The first GameBoy (without color) came out in 1989 in North America. You like it.
Now let's see... spam the pictures time. If you know what ANY of these are... you should feel old.
The first Harry Potter book came out in 1998. How old are you feeling?
I'll break it down.
That was 14 years ago.
Hey Arnold.
Feel old.